How to hang your Four Oak Bed Swing.
Only Tools You'll Need
- Drill
- 5 Gallon Bucket
- Hooks of your choice and corresponding size drill bit to pre-drill hole (customer is responsible for purchase of hooks, however, here are a few choices that we recommend)
Step 1.
Once you have figured out where you want to hang your swing and have located the ceiling joists (studs) that line up closest to the rope/chain hole dimensions of your swing, you are ready for install! Most ceiling joists will not line up perfectly with the swing hole points, this is normal. In other words when the holes on the swing are spaced at 84 inches apart, the closest joists will likely be spaced at 80” or 96” apart. (we recommend going with the wider spacing so that the rope of chain does not rub against the sides of the swing).
Step 2.
Pre-drill a hole in the center of the joist (if you have a ceiling or cannot access the joists, please contact a licensed contractor or handyman to install your hooks)
Step 3.
Install your lag screw eye.
Step 4.
Skip to step 5 if you have purchased our EZ-Adjust Bed Swing Hanging Kit.
*ATTENTION* tying the knot pictured below through the hook will make it very difficult to undo and adjust after the rope stretches out. You can find how to tie an adjustable knot here...
This requires a hook with at least a 1” diameter opening. Tie a standard knot through the hook. BE SURE TO PUT AS MUCH WEIGHT ON THIS AS POSSIBLE (Swing from it if you have to)
Step 5.
Clip the provided carabiner to the hook
Step 6.
Place one side of the swing on a 5 gallon bucket (if you want the swing to sit up higher you can stack 2 buckets inside each other). Next, follow the pictures below to run the rope through the holes of the swing and tie a standard knot. BE SURE TO TIE THE KNOT AS CLOSE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SWING AS POSSIBLE. This will ensure that the swing does not fall too far down once the knot tightens.
Step 7.
Put as much weight on each corner as possible.
Step 8.
Now you can easily adjust the height of your swing by moving the carabiner along each chain link.
Step 9.
Remove any electrical tape at the end of the rope and cut the rope to a desired length and let it fray.
Step 10.
Sit back and start Swinging!